बहुत पहले कैफ़ी आज़मी की चिंता रही, यहाँ तो कोई मेरा हमज़बाँ नहीं मिलताइससे बाद निदा फ़ाज़ली दो-चार हुए, ज़बाँ मिली है मगर हमज़बाँ नहीं मिलताकई तरह के संघर्षों के इस समय कई आवाज़ें गुम हो रही हैं. ऐसे ही स्वरों का एक मंच बनाने की अदना सी कोशिश है हमज़बान। वहीं नई सृजनात्मकता का अभिनंदन करना फ़ितरत.

बुधवार, 25 जून 2008

श्रद्धा जैन की दो ग़ज़ल

(कवि- परिचय बक़लम ख़ुद : विदिशा एक छोटे से शहर से आई हुई श्रद्धा, बस इतना ही परिचय है मेरा शायद आप में से बहुत से लोगों ने इसका नाम भी ना सुना हो , तो बताती चलूं कि ये मध्यप्रदेश में भोपाल के पास एक बहुत छोटा सा शहर है जहाँ आज भी ब्रॉडबॅंड नही पहुँचा है अंतरजाल की उतनी जानकारी नहीं है (MSc) केमिस्ट्री में अपनी शिक्षा पूरी की और आजकल यहाँ अंतरराष्ट्रीय विद्यालय में हिन्दी अपनी भाषा को सब तक पहुँचाती हुई दिन गुज़ार रही हूँबच्चों के मुँह से I love Hindiसुनकर जो मीठी सी मुस्कान आती है जो सकुन मिलता है उसको शब्दों में कहना मुमकिन ही नहीं है वक़्त की हवा ने सिंगापुर पहुँचा दिया यहाँ आकर देश की सभ्यता की खूबियों को ,जाना जाना रिश्ते क्या हैं , अपनो का साथ कैसा होता है और अपने देश की मिट्टी में कितना सकुन है कुछ एहसास कलम से काग़ज़ पर उतर आए और मैं आप सबके बीच आ गयी .
शहरोज जी की महानता है कि उन्होंने मुझ जैसी उगती शायरा को इतना सम्मान दिया मैं तहे दिल से शुक्रगुज़ार हूं)


काँटे आए कभी गुलाब आए
जो भी आए वो बेहिसाब आए
रंग उड़ जाए उनके चेहरे का
जब भी मेरी वफ़ा के बाब आए
अब्र दानाई का हो फिर ओझल
ज़िंदगी में जो एक अज़ाब आए
दोस्त बन कर मिले या दुश्मन हो
सामने जब तो बेनक़ाब आए
गम-ए-रोज़गार लिख रही है श्रद्धा
ऐसे आलम में कैसे ख्वाब आए

किसने जाना कि कल है क्या होगा
qurbat या कि फासला होगा
रोता जो ज़ार-ज़ार उसे रोने दो
हो ना हो खुद से वो मिला होगा
चाँद जो पल में बन गया हैं धूल
usne पैरों तले कुचला होगा
ज़ुल्म करता नहीं वो सबका रहीम
आज दुनिया का रब जुदा होगा
श्रद्धा ना यूँ सकून तलाश यहाँ
बद ओ वीरान ये रास्ता होगा

मंगलवार, 24 जून 2008

नसर हमीद ख़लिश की ग़ज़ल

(कहने में कोई गुरेज़ नहीं कि उर्दू को जिंदा रखने में बिहार सरे-फ़ेहरिस्त है .ज़ाहिर इसकी तहज़ीब को बरक़रार रखने में अदब का अदब यानी सम्मान ग़ज़ल चहारसु शमा- शमा है . शायरी के नाते भी वहां की ज़मीन zarkhez yaani उर्वर है .हालत की सितम ज़रिफी कि कईयों को वो मक़ाम न मिल सका जिसके वो हक़दार रहे .असलम सादीपुरी , सिराज शम्सी और रम्ज़ अज़ीमाबादी जैसे कई अहम लोग हुए जिन्हें गर्दिशे-दोरां ने भुला दिया .नसर हमीद ख़लिश भी चरागां से दूर तामीर- फ़न में लगें हैं .इनका अपना इक अलग अंदाज़ है .आप की पैदाइश तो लक्मनिया , बेगुसराय में हुई ,लेकिन शिक्षा- दीक्षा और रोज़ी -रोटी की तलाश में कई शहर के कूचों की ख़ाक नसीब हुई लेकिन आपने अपना आबो-ताब कायम रखा .अंग्रेज़ी में मास्टर डिग्री और कीट्स जैसे कवि के प्रेम पत्रों पर डॉक्टरेट की सनद हासिल की .गया में बरसों रहे .वहीँ के मिर्ज़ा ग़ालिब कॉलेज से अंग्रेज़ी के प्रोफेसर पड़ से सेवामुक्त हो फिलहाल हजारीबाग में रहकर स्वतंत्र -लेखन ।)

खुलूस दिल की रिफ़ाक़त की बात करता है
वो शख्श मुझसे मुहब्बत की बात करता है
उजाला आता है जब भी गरीब खाने में
तमाम शब् तेरी चाहत की बात करता है

नक़ब लगा के जो आया पड़ोस के घर में
वो शख्श मेरी हिफाज़त की बात करता है
ये इसकी लत है कि जंगल हो शहर हो कुछ हो
वो क़त्लो -खूँ की हलाकत की बात करता है

दिखाए मुझ को कभी ख़ुद भी आदमी बनकर
जो देवताओं की अज़मत की बात करता है

तुम्हारे शहर में बिखरा हुआ हर इक पत्थर
मेरे लहू की हरारत की बात करता है

निगाह दिल में गए मोस्मों का अक्स लिए
ख़लिश तुम्हारी इनायत की बात करता है

सोमवार, 23 जून 2008

The Post-American world by Fareed Zakaria

"This is not a book about the decline of America, but rather about the rise of everyone else." So begins Fareed Zakaria's important new work on the era we are now entering. Following on the success of his best-selling The Future of Freedom, Zakaria describes with equal prescience a (world in which the United States will no longer dominate the global economy, orchestrate geopolitics, or overwhelm cultures. He sees the "rise of the rest"—the growth of countries like China, India, Brazil, Russia, and many others—as the great story of our time, and one that will reshape the world. The tallest buildings, biggest dams, largest-selling movies, and most advanced cell phones are all being built outside the United States. This economic growth is producing political confidence, national pride, and potentially international problems. How should the United States understand and thrive in this rapidly changing international climate? What does it mean to live in a truly global era? Zakaria answers these questions with his customary lucidity, insight, and imagination._Syed Mohammad Raghib)

The American economy might surprise us by the year-end. Many economists and businessmen believe that although the current slowdown could turn into a recession, a financial collapse is now highly unlikely. Bruce Kasman, the chief economist at JPMorgan, is an optimist. He believes that even though the economy has been hit by some big problems, it also has strengths that will encourage recovery. (American exports, which now account for most of the country's economic growth, are booming.) But Kasman is a short-term optimist; he has a much gloomier view of the longer term.For the past 15 years, the U.S. economy has outperformed all other rich countries, averaging real GDP growth of 3.2 percent and monthly job gains of 150,000. This remarkable economic run, which took place as Japan slumped and Europe staggered, has been critical to the country's economic vitality and to the preeminent role Washington has played in the world. Kasman argues—with careful research to back him up—that this period of high productivity and GDP growth has ended. "U.S. growth rates for the next decade or more are going to look more like those in Europe and Japan," he says. Current projections suggest that the long-term growth rate will fall to 2.5 percent at best. If so, that will have huge implications for jobs, incomes and America's general well-being.Why is this happening? The biggest reason is that there are now fewer workers in the American economy. The baby boomers are beginning to retire, the entry of women into the work force—a phenomenon that boomed in the 1990s—has slowed down and, since 9/11, immigrants, particularly skilled ones, are coming to America at lower rates. In addition, the productivity gains from technology have dwindled; business has gotten the bulk of the benefits of the information revolution.Capital spending has slowed. Companies are no longer confident that new investments in plants and equipment will produce profits, and despite having large piles of cash, they are not investing much in either. In fact, after the tech boom ended in 2001, capital spending dropped more sharply than at any point since the Great Depression, and still remains abnormally low. Also, money that used to surge into the United States is now going to emerging markets like China, India and Brazil, where the returns on investment are higher. Add to these facts the sky-high prices for oil and commodities, and you have the recipe for a long, 1970s-style slowdown (which may or may not be accompanied by inflation).The policy debate in Washington is focused on the wrong question: how to spark a short-term, cyclical recovery. Congress has already passed a fiscal stimulus bill, and the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates. All we can do now is wait for these policies to have their effect, which they will. The real debate should be about how to move the American economy back onto a high-growth trajectory. It can be done, but it would require large-scale and smart government policies across a whole range of issues.The problems are obvious. The retirement of the baby boomers is going to have a crippling effect on all government budgets—federal, state and local. Unless entitlements are trimmed substantially, America is headed for fiscal bankruptcy. Immigration policy needs reform, most urgently so that the United States can once again attract the world's most talented people. Spending on research, technology and infrastructure needs a big boost. (U.S. spending on infrastructure as a percentage of GDP is the lowest in the industrialized world today.) Energy policy needs to be overhauled. Trade policy needs to be revitalized. Tax and regulatory codes need to be simplified in order to keep America a competitive place to do business.In most of these areas, the solution involves some short-term pain in exchange for long-term gain. But Washington has become incapable of that. Passing a pork-laden bill takes no time. Trimming subsidies, raising taxes or making strategic investments are near impossible.During the 1980s, the United States tackled many of the problems it faced through bipartisan compromises. The government passed a massive tax reform, with Ronald Reagan and Democrat Dan Rostenkowski championing the bill. It revamped Social Security and passed immigration reform, as well as a series of trade deals—all with strong bipartisan support. These policies were crucial in setting the stage for two decades of strong economic growth. The contrast with today is stark. Now Washington can argue about everything and solve nothing. A can-do country has been saddled with a do-nothing political system."With the end of the cold war, we saw a new, destructive kind of partisanship," says David Gergen, who has worked in Republican and Democratic White Houses. "And for much of the past decade, we've kicked the can down the road on our big problems." Some of this is because of the narrowcasting of American politics, a process in which the extreme ends of the spectrum have been magnified and the center gets lost. Part of it, Gergen argues, is generational. "I have a distinct memory that the World War II generation really put country ahead of party. That is simply not the case with the generation in power now."Compromise is hard. No one gets all or even most of what they want. But in a vast, continental land of 300 million, people are going to disagree. No compromise means nothing will get done. And America will slowly drift down in the roll of nations.

शुक्रवार, 20 जून 2008

जाकिर हुसैन की कविता

(मुराद नगर में १९ फ़रवरी १९७४ को जन्मे जाकिर दिल्ली में
एक विज्ञापन एजेंसी में कॉपी राईटर हैं .विज्ञान में स्नातक
इस युवा रचनाकार ने हिन्दी में स्नातकोत्तर करने के बाद
जामिया मिल्लिया से जन -संचार और सर्जनात्मक लेखन
में डिप्लोमा हासिल किया ।)

सपनों पर प्रतिबन्ध नहीं
अच्छा -बुरा
छोटा -बड़ा
कलर या ब्लैक एंड व्हाइट
जैसी मर्ज़ी देखो
आँखें तुम्हारी हैं
और नींद भी
सपने भी तो तुम्हारे ही हैं
साकार हों ये जिद क्यों
जिंदगी को नींद में नहीं
जगी हालत में देखो
सपनों से उलट
लेकिन खूबसूरत हैं
सपने तालाब हैं
और जिंदगी
संघर्षों के बहाव में
बहने वाली
नदी का नाम है .

रमेश राज आनंद की ग़ज़ल

(भारत सरकार के एक महत्वपूर्ण विभाग में अधिकारी
रमेश राज आनंद का जन्म १२ अगस्त १९६० को उ प्र के
मुज़फ्फर नगर में हुआ .आप भूगोल में स्नातकोत्तर हैं ।
जंग लगे पत्थर आपका कविता संग्रह है ।)

इश्क़ रहज़न न सही इश्क़ के हाथों फिर भी
हमने लुटती हुई देखि हैं बरातें अक्सर

हमसे इक बार भी जीता है न जीतेगा कोई
वो तो हम जान के खा लेते हैं मातें अक्सर

उनसे पूछो कभी चेहरे भी पढ़े हैं तुमने
जो किताबों की किया करते हैं बातें अक्सर

हमने उन तुंद हवाओं में जलाएं हैं चिराग़
जिन हवाओं ने उलट दी हैं बिसातें अक्सर

गुरुवार, 12 जून 2008

उनवान क्या हो !


काम की बात


सोमवार, 9 जून 2008

अरब की डाक से

कैसर जमाल से प्राप्त एक मेल .लगा इसे आप लोगों के बीच भी आना चाहिए

One of the Indian came from India to Saudi ArabiaSay's:

Bees' साल pehle Saudi aaya tha to ek Riyal TeenRupiye ka tha।

Socha tha
do लाख hojaayengay to waapas chala jaoonga।
Ke chand laakh जमा hojaye waapas chala jaoon।

In bees saalon mein mujhe

Bacchon se doori,mohabbat mein kami,
rishte daaron ka bantwaara,bacche waha main yahan,
Pahle teen mein guzaara hota tha ab 15 hazaar bhi nakaafi.

Ghar banaya, bacchon को padhaya

Abhi na idhar ka hoon,न udhar ka।

Wahan koi janta nahin,yahan koi manta nahin.

Bacche khoobsoorat मकान mein rahte hain,

main ek bed का mehmaan, कमर का dard badhta jaa raha hai।

Jawani dekhi nahin,burapha jaldi dikh gaya .

Koi uncle कहते hain to ghussa aata hai,

aaine me dekhta hoon टू soonchta hoon ke usne theek hi kaha।

Phir bhi koi acchi ख़बर nahi milti।
Aaj chachi mar gayi, taayaabbu bimaar ho gaye,

maamu ko dil ka daura pad gaya,bacche aawaara -गर्दी karte hain,

Khaalu ka inteqaal hogaya.
petrol महँगा ho gaya,
aaj bijli phir महेंगी हो gayi, rasoyi gas ka bill dugna
currency ki qeemat गिर gayi.
Mai किसी bacche ko गोद mein utha kar pyar nahi kar saka,
ungli pakad kar स्चूल chod na saka.
Mere saare dost बिचाद gaye.
rishte daaron ki nazar mere saaman par hoti hai.
Kisi ko hamdardi नही
बच्चे kahte hain --abbu जब aap aate hain to hamari saari routine kharab ho jaati hai।

Biwi hukm -raani hai ghar par
jaata hoon to use is qadar ehsaas hota hai ke
agar aayega to yahi hukm-raan hoga.
Basti mein sab ka राव्या hairaan –kum hota hai,
Biwi kahti hai ek - do saal aur arab mein rah lijiye kuch पैसे aur jama hojayegen .
Betiyaan kahti hain
jahan bees saalon mein kuch nahi banaya
do- char saalon mein kya हो जाए गा ।

Bees Saalon Mein Mujhe Kya Mila ?
Come on Don't cry it's happen toeveryone who comes to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Ansari releases Muslims of India Since Partition

By Correspondent
New Delhi, June 07: Education is very important for a man. No service for a community is better than education. If you give education to a child and make him able to stand on his own then it is a great work. These were the expressions of Sirajuddin Quraishi who was speaking at the inauguration of free training classes for the Muslim Student which will be run by India Islamic Cultural Centre, Noble Education Foundation and Daily Siasat of Hyderabad. Here Muslim students will be trained for outsourcing and BPO jobs.

BPO training for Muslim students launched

By Correspondent
New Delhi, June 09: Education is very important for a man. No service for a community is better than education. If you give education to a child and make him able to stand on his own then it is a great work. These were the expressions of Sirajuddin Quraishi who was speaking at the inauguration of free training classes for the Muslim Student which will be run by India Islamic Cultural Centre, Noble Education Foundation and Daily Siasat of Hyderabad. Here Muslim students will be trained for outsourcing and BPO jobs.

शनिवार, 7 जून 2008

Dumping ground for banned Drugs

Please Read Very Carefully

India has become a dumping ground for banned drugs; also the business for production of banned drugs is booming। Plz make sure that u buy drugs only if prescribed by a doctor(Also, ask which company manufactures it, this would help to ensure that u get what is prescribed at the Drug Store) and that also from a reputed drug store। Not many people know about these banned drugs and consume them causing a lot of damage to themselves. We forward Jokes and other junk all the time. This is far more important. DANGEROUS DRUGS HAVE BEEN GLOBALLY DISCARDED BUT ARE AVAILABLE IN INDIA . The most common ones are action 500 & Nimulid. PHENYLPROPANOLAMINE: cold and cough. Reason for ban : stroke. Brand name : Vicks Action-500 ________________________________________________________________________ ANALGIN: This is a pain-killer. Reason for ban: Bone marrow depression. Brand name: Novalgin ___________________________________________________________ CISAPRIDE: Acidity, constipation. Reason for ban : irregular heartbeat Brand name : Ciza, Syspride ____________________________________________________________ DROPERIDOL: Anti-depressant. Reason for ban : Irregular heartbeat. Brand name : Droperol ______________________________________________________________ FURAZOLIDONE: Antidiarrhoeal. Reason for ban : Cancer. Brand name :

Furoxone, Lomofen _____________________________________________________________ NIMESULIDE: Painkiller, fever. Reason for ban : Liver failure. Brand name : Nise, Nimulid ________________________________________________________________________ NITROFURAZONE: Antibacterial cream. Reason for ban : Cancer. Brand name : Furacin ________________________________________________________________________ PHENOLPHTHALEIN: Laxative. Reason for ban : Cancer. Brand name : Agarol ______________________________ __________________________________________ OXYPHENBUTAZONE: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Reason for ban : Bone marrow depression. Brand name : Sioril _______________________________________________________________________ PIPERAZINE: Anti-worms. Reason for ban : Nerve damage. Brand name : Piperazine ________________________________________________________________________ QUINIODOCHLOR: Anti-diarrhoeal. Reason for ban : Damage to sight. Brand name: Enteroquinol PLZ SPREAD THE INFO....IF U CAN......FOR BETTER FUTURE - let us save some lives
Bottom of Form

शुक्रवार, 6 जून 2008

Evidence maybe

By Azka Khan
Current Affairs/Politics

Yesterday I saw the English movie made o 9/ 11 on which world trade center was damaged to the ground. In Urdu this film was dubbed as “Khotey Sikkay”. From that I got main points which I think is useful or it can’t be I think. The first point was that maybe the video tape they don’t want to show was the evidence of damage.2nd was that the sound recorded tape one man declared useless but I think it was also the evidence any way.3rd was that maybe something can be found for the of damage.4th was that it could he conspiracy than terrorism and it could be America itself to declare Muslims as strong enemy of world. (one more question came to my mind that why America do not uncover the truth even when it have strong power?) why is it so? Some day when they could not find these evidence, I will find them and will open the truth, if Allah give me power.
(यहाँ पोस्टेड किसी भी सामग्री या विचार से मॉडरेटर का सहमत होना ज़रूरी नहीं है। लेखक का अपना नज़रिया हो सकता है। अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता का सम्मान तो करना ही चाहिए।)